"Nice Pistol..."
Now what?
Now go shoot it.
Go to the range and get familiar with it, get comfortable with it.
Take a class with it.
Freeman Training Group is offering the full NRA Basic Pistol course for:
- New pistol owners: new to firearms, or ownership of firearms
- Owners of a new pistol: experienced with firearms in general, unfamiliar with a specific or new firearm
- Anyone seeking more context before purchasing a pistol
NRA Basic Pistol is a day at the range with Robyn and Billy, with classroom instruction followed by a pistol qualification course of less than 200 rounds. Please bring your new pistol and shoot it. Bring ammunition for your firearm, this is an excellent use of it.
Learn the particulars of your personal firearm in a small-class setting focused on safety and marksmanship fundamentals. Get ‘hands-on’ with different pistols and actions available.
If you are still in the process of deciding what will best suit your needs, you should handle and shoot as many different platforms as needed until you know what does and doesn’t work for you.
The National Rifle Association’s official introduction to pistol course is much more comprehensive, covering differences between common action types, ammunition, firearms maintenance and more! It’s an all-day affair as you can see:
NRA Basic Pistol
03:00 PM
04:00 PM
Session FIVE
Shooting Qualification Course of Fire
Robyn and Billy are both NRA Instructors, qualified to teach the NRA’s Basic Pistol Curriculum, as well as NRA-Certified Chief Range Safety Officers qualified to teach the NRA Range Safety Officer course.

Robyn Adkins
Instructor and trainer

Billy Adkins
Instructor and trainer
Where We Train:
San Luis Obispo Sportsmen’s Association
3270 Gilardi Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
Frequently-asked Questions:
"Do you sell guns and/or ammo?"
"Can I borrow a gun to shoot and/or qualify with?"
It is easy to shoot well with minimal recoil, smoke and noise.
"Do I need this for my CCW?"
What should I bring?"
100 rounds of ammunition. For semi-autos, remember the magazines.
Glasses/Sunglasses/Safety or prescription eyeware. Eyes must be protected at all times on the range. If you have different glasses with different prescriptions, bring them, one of them will be best for shooting.