2024-25 Class Dates:
Please click on your desired course date to register via the NRA class site, as reservations will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. NOTE: class size is limited to maximize the attention we can give each participant. Class fee is $195, due at check-in. This includes the full day of instruction, the SLOSA range fee and targets. If you need to borrow a pistol to qualify with, an addditional $10 will be required. Please note: we are no longer accepting credit card payments to protect your privacy. We do accept cash, local checks, and all manner of bullion. If you are interested in payment via cryptocurrency, that too can be arranged.
Course topics include: gun safety rules, proper operation of revolvers and semi-automatic pistols, ammunition knowledge and selection, pistol selection and storage, shooting fundamentals, pistol inspection and maintenance, marksmanship, and shooting range safety.
Additionally, students will complete live fire training and a nationally standardized shooting qualification while on the range with an NRA Certified Instructor. Students will receive the NRA Guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook, NRA MPQ reference, NRA Gun Safety Card, and the course completion certificate bearing the signature of the NRA Secretary and your NRA Certified Instructor.
Where We Train
San Luis Obispo Sportsmen’s Association
3270 Gilardi Road
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405